Narratives & Storytelling
Working & Winning

Skeptical you need a narrative and unsure of the business impact of storytelling? Examine the evidence for yourself.

Don't take our word for it

Founders create long-form company narratives in the form of interactive, integrated documents on platforms like Notion, Webflow, etc.

Narratives weather bad days while guiding toward good days.

Few things are constant in early-stage startups, but unpredictability and uncertainty are unshakeable. To endure the ups and down, it takes optimism in the vision of an unproven, scrappy company. Conviction doesn't happen without clarity, which is why narratives matter.

When is the right time to create a foundational narrative for your startup? Historically, narrative & storytelling was a later-stage game: expensive consultants and communication coaches came into established organizations to lead workshops and refine messaging, often when a company was undergoing a pivot or transformation.

But that's all changed. Now, narrative & storytelling are must-haves, must-dos for the earliest stages of growth. We specialize in working with pre-seed and seed startups, because companies at these stages are in the perfect position to create and amplify their foundational narrative.

See how we partner with founders

Let's take your narrative from 0.
