Minimum Viable Story

Our mission is to help early-stage founders make their startups compelling.

The Problem
Startups begin with a problem–sometimes small, other times vast. A founder sees possibility in brokenness and absence.
The People
Few problems are solved alone. Founders enlist people who share their vision, who complement their skills and bring broad expertise.
The Product
A startup becomes more than an idea when a product is built. The start of a solution is flawed and incomplete, but a beginning.

Products aren't just software or hardware, but packaged goods, programs & services, content, etc.

"The value of an idea lies in the using of it."

– Thomas Edison

The Progress
Shipping a product to the first customers turns vision into reality. Because without customers, products cannot solve problems.

"Don't worry about failure; you only have to be right once."

-Drew Houston, Co-founder & CEO of Dropbox

The Narrative

A foundational narrative traces and connects the problem, people, product, and progress into a unified story. It organizes disparate parts into a compelling whole. A blank page is always numbered 0; together we'll take it to 1 and beyond.

Hi, I'm Kyle

Founder & CEO

Without a foundational narrative and storytelling skills, a founder is usually lost in the growing crowd. A flood of capital, an abundance of builder tools, and a proliferation of accelerators and incubators power today’s startup economy.

But unlike capital, tools, and programs, attention is finite:
the easier it is to start up, the harder it is to stand out. How do you recruit and retain top talent? How do you find the right investors to help scale? And how do you effectively source pipeline and sell your product without a track record of success?

The founders I work with are engineers, programmers, innovators, hackers, builders, and operators. I complement their strengths by
creating foundational narratives and teaching them how to tell their story.

My work helps with priorities like
fundraising, recruiting, onboarding, internal alignment, brand positioning, marketing messaging, and self-understanding.

Clear, comprehensive communication helps us find the
right people to work with and right problems to work on. It helps us ask the right questions and foresee the right risks. It transforms dreams and ideas into plans and products. My endgame is to improve how start-ups make themselves legible in the project of building a stronger, more sustainable start-up economy

Focused, disciplined, and intentional.


Pre-seed & seed stage startups with a strong mission and lopsided engineering and product founding talent.


Cognitive scientist, former teacher, champion debater, and marketing generalist obsessed with early-stage problems.


Selectivity of clients helps me learn transferable skills and export relevant insights to founders at similar stages.